Yoko Valenika
Family is Hope, Protect it Always
General information
Date of birth: 4 August 2022
Gender: female
Color: black blotched bicolor (n 03 22)
Title: Junior Champion (WCF)
Blood group: A/A
HCM/RCM screening (ultrasound): normal (2023)
PKD screening (ultrasound): normal (2023)
Genetic disorders (CatScan panel): negative
FIV/FelV/FCV: negative (2023)
Weight: 4 kg

Personality: Yoko is an easy-going, super active, and playful girl. She brings her toys to our bed at night and wakes us up in the morning, so the first thing we do (even before breakfast) is to play with her. She seems to be permanently in a good mood and can make everyone her playmate. Yoko is the mother of the W and E litters.

Activity level & Playfulness ★★★★☆
Affection ★★★☆☆
Docility ★★☆☆☆
Independence ★★★★☆
Vocality ★★☆☆☆
Friendliness to other cats ★★★★★
Health testing results
Show career
25-26 February 2023 - Novosibirsk, Russia

1st day:


2nd day

CACJ (Juniour Champion title)


Novosibirsk, Russia
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