Bucephalus Taiga Tiger
Growing Strong
General information
Date of birth: 8 February 2021
Gender: male
Color: black blotched with white (n 09 22)
Title: Grand International Champion (WCF)
Blood group: A/b
HCM/RCM screening (ultrasound): normal (2023)
PKD screening (ultrasound): normal (2022)
Genetic disorders (CatScan panel): negative
FIV/FelV: negative (2023)
Weight: 7 kg

Personality: Bucephalus is a needy cat that requires human attention on a daily basis. He's our ideal cat: calm, gentle and very loving. Bucephalus feels shy and insecure around strangers or in new places, but he trusts us, which we believe helps him quickly adjust. Bucephalus sired the W and E litters.

Activity level & Playfulness ★★★☆☆
Affection ★★★★★
Docility ★★★★★
Independence ★☆☆☆☆
Vocality ★★★★☆
Friendliness to other cats ★★★★★
Health testing results
More pictures of my mighty Bucephalus
Show career
2-3 September 2023 - Saint Petersburg, Russia

1st day:

CAGCIB (Grand International Champion title)

2/29 WCF-ring Adult (Irina Sadovnikova)

1/13 Fun show "Autumn forest" (Irina Sadovnikova)

Best of Show 2/6

Best General !!!

2nd day


1/27 WCF-ring Adult (Marina Khodusova)

5/28 Fun show "Kotofei" (Panel of judges)

Best of Show 1/6

Best Supreme!!!!

160 cats in total

19-20 November 2022 - Tomsk, Russia

1st day


1/22 in WCF-ring Adults (Irina Guseva)

Best of Show 1/2

2nd day


2nd in WCF-ring Adults (Vera Vasilieva)

1st in Show "LH/LSH" (Irina Guseva)

3rd in Show "Tomcats" (Irina Guseva)

Best of Show 2/2

16-17 July 2022 - Novosibirsk, Russia

1st day

CACIB (International Champion title)

Nom BIS (Irina Murasheva)

2nd day


9/21 in WCF ring Adults (Ekaterina Drozhzhina)

1/11 in Show "LH/LSH" (Ekaterina Drozhzhina)

Best of Breed !! (Julia Vilkova)

Best opposite sex Adult

11-12 June 2022 - Ekaterinburg, Russia

1st day


4/35 in WCF-ring Adult (Irina Guseva)

Best of Show 4/5 !!!

2nd day


7/14 in Show “Males” (Olga Kuznetsova)

Nom BIS (Anna Nazarova)

7-8 March 2022 - Novosibirsk, Russia

1st day


3/20 place in Adult WCF-ring

6/11 in Forest show

2nd day

CAC (Champion title)

4/14 place in Adult WCF-ring

3-4 July 2021 - Ekaterinburg, Russia

1st day

• 2xCACP

2nd day

• CACP (Kitten Champion title)

• 5/35 in WCF-ring Kitten/Junior (Marina Litvina, Russia)

• 7/14 in Show "Males" (Marina Litvina, Russia)

• 5/8 Show "SIB" (Natalia Phlegontova, Russia)

Novosibirsk, Russia
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